Friday, October 16

Thursday, October 15

Big Eyes

I just went to the optometrist and got my pupils dilated. Now I have big crazy black orbs, like Deebo the Cat when he's staring at you in a dark room. This makes me only semi-effective at work for the next few hours. I had to draw the blinds all the way and I'll wear sunglasses if I go out into the hallway.

Wednesday, October 14

Combo Toaster/Toaster oven

Crummy seventies commercials! Sometimes I feel a strange sense of nostalgia for the extreme dreary boringness of that time...

Tuesday, October 13

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The Wardrobe of Foulard

Now that fall is here, Foulard can again dress in the the manner to which he has become accustomed. I got back in the habit of wearing a (jacket and) tie to work a year or so, and once you start, it's not something you can easily quit. If you have a desk job like I do (see the picture of my office in the previous post) it's pretty easy to manage--not so much if you have a job that involves actual physical labor.

This summer was a particularly miserable one, with temperatures actually getting up to 100° in Seattle. Since I have a 20-minute walk to work, anything but survival dressing was out of the question.

Now that the seasons have changed, my walk is a pleasant part of my day--the part where I gear up for work and wind down afterward. Getting to wear a jacket and tie (and raincoat if appropriate) makes it even better, since I'm a boulevardier by nature.

The only problem is that I can't find a place to lunch on Pill Hill that lives up to my wardrobe...