Wednesday, January 6

Best-Dressed Retro Cartoon Characters

Irontail (from Peter Cottontail)
Nice Belted Leather Car Coat

Penelope Pitstop
Practical but Pink

Commander McBragg
Classic British Country Wear

Francesca (from Mad Monster Party)
Figure-Flattering Cheongsam

Riff-Raff (from Underdog)
Natty Gangster Pinstripes

Rudy (from Fat Albert)
A Bright, Confident Mix of Colors

More characters will be added if I think of them!

Now, a good one

The terrible Christopher Lee song and the terrible New Zealand middle-aged novelty song reminded me of this great song.

Happy Belated B-day to Beebo and Rico

The rockabilly-esque video featuring Sir Christopher that I just posted reminded me that I somehow forgot to share this little gem with regular FOULARD readers Beebo and Rico "Ice" Hertz on the occasion of their 40th birthdays (in 2009), so I'm going to do it now.

Enjoy it as much as I did!

Christopher Lee: Thespian, Singer

I don't know if you've enjoyed the vocal stylings of Sir Christopher Lee yet, but fans know he's long had a love of song. I just read that he has a 'symphonic metal' concept album coming out, based on the life of Charlemagne. Now might be a good time to revisit some of his earlier efforts:

Tuesday, January 5

Steve Guttenberg

No, not that one. But this guy reviews electronics online.

Steve Guttenberg is a frequent contributor to magazines and Web sites including Home Entertainment, Playback, and Ultimate AV. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET.

What an oddly unexciting celebrity name to have to live with! It reminds me of 'Michael Bolton' from Office Space, except that you can't really get infuriated at Steve G. Unless you really hate Short Circuit and the Police Academy movies.

How to (and how not to) wear a sweater vest



Yes! (obviously)

Yes! (minus the smoke)
Tip: always wear one that fits, and is not at all baggy. The vest should be made of a nice solid wool--the idea is to keep you warm in a chilly climate (outdoors or indoors), while not providing so much bulk under your jacket. Whenever possible, wear a dress shirt and tie. Extra bonus: you can tie your tie really poorly (tail longer than front) and no one will notice.