Friday, January 22

Final thought of the day

Fast Food (regional edition)

Beebo's post about McDonald's ('s?) new breakfast sandwich started me thinking--what kind of fast food do I still like? In general, I've been over it for many, many years, but a few items still get my mouth watering: Arby's roast beef sandwiches, Ivar's fish and chips, the Dick's Deluxe with fresh-cut fries, and this little item:The mighty (tasty) Chick-fil-a sandwich! I can never really get my hands on one of these, since I live in Seattle, and their restaurants are pretty sparse in this part of the country. However, I'm going deep into the heart of CFA country in March, so I plan on having a few of these babies while I have the chance (and when I'm not eating barbecue).

Thursday, January 21

By Request

Jot the Dot who fears Gott...

Plus a promo for Insight:

Palate Cleanser

I know watching Creation of the Humanoids was pretty heavy and thought-provoking, so here's something a little lighter for you to enjoy.

The greatest science fiction film of all time

Watch it and tell me what you think. I'll just be sitting here waiting. See you in 90 minutes!

Don't Get It Twisted!

These action figures from the S*T*A*R Team toy series (1977) are in no way intended to resemble Darth Vader, R2-D2, or C-3PO. Any confusion on your part is not the fault of Ideal Toys Inc.!

Night Janitor/Comedian

One of my favorite Mr. Show sketches...

Wednesday, January 20

The De-evolution of a funny joke

Once, many years ago, there was a movie that made being a stupid, loud drunk frat member at a third-rate state university very popular. The year was 1978, and the movie was National Lampoon's Animal House, which spawned 43,379 movies revolving around the theme of 'the slobs versus the snobs'. One of the few items available to commemorate this groundbreaking film was a poster of its star, John ('Bluto') Belushi, wearing a sweatshirt that said, amusingly, generically, 'COLLEGE', a sort of half-assed prop version of the standard apparel of any student.

Eventually, someone got around to manufacturing these sweatshirts (and t-shirts) for people to buy without having to go to a t-shirt shop and get it custom-made. But here's where it goes off the rails--someone decided that the joke was too subtle, and started making shirts that omit one L, just saying 'COLEGE', thus ruining the joke. Who buys these shirts? From my observation, it seems to be the sort of people who are contestants on reality TV shows. In other words, morons. Also, this guy from 'Chuck', who is apparently a moron.