Thursday, January 5

Tuesday, January 3

Crabby New Year to you!

Foulard HATES lifestyle manifestos!   Foulard likes people who quietly do exactly want they want to without having to stick it on their wall or share their trite, generic, middle class lifestyle tips with others.

The "manifesto"  above has apparently been circulating on "the internets" for a while.  I've seen a lot of similar things in blogs like Apartment Therapy--people with trendy apartments/condos often have some sort of quaint print on their wall that says something like "LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF LIFE." in an archaic/industrial typeface.  They're really just a reincarnation of this oldie, from the Jonathan Livingston Seagull/Listen to the Warm/Love Is era:

Pros: Not in ALL CAPS
Cons: Looks like it was hand-written by hobbits

I don't have an issue with new year's resolutions, and I really don't have a problem with being self-aware and self-determinitive.  The thing I like most is to be doing what I want to do (while being a nice person, of course).  The thing I hate is anyone telling me what to do or think--and these "prescription for happiness" things do just that.  It's like being hectored by a bullying hippie or someone who's just tumbled out of an EST retreat*.

*or Tom Cruise