Friday, August 28
"Our Senior Partner"

World's Cutest Supervillain
Hallowe'en Approacheth
Next Tuesday means the official beginning of my observation of the Hallowe'en holiday. This means different things to different people--for some (in ever-dwindling numbers) it's going trick-or-treating or giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, for others it's getting a costume ready for the inevitably disappointing Hallowe'en party (and the 31st is on a Saturday this year!).
For me, it's time to watch old (pre-1970 or so) horror movies. I've been making a project of this officially for a few years now, so I've watched most of them (repeat plays don't count), and I'm down to the more obscure titles, or ones that for one reason or another hadn't hit DVD yet. Beebo usually joins me, unless the movies seem "too scary" for her.
I'm being very disciplined--no movies 'til Tuesday, then the Gates of Hell™ open. I plan to post a little recap of what I've watch over the next couple of months. As a preview, here are the types of horror movies I prefer, in general:
For me, it's time to watch old (pre-1970 or so) horror movies. I've been making a project of this officially for a few years now, so I've watched most of them (repeat plays don't count), and I'm down to the more obscure titles, or ones that for one reason or another hadn't hit DVD yet. Beebo usually joins me, unless the movies seem "too scary" for her.
I'm being very disciplined--no movies 'til Tuesday, then the Gates of Hell™ open. I plan to post a little recap of what I've watch over the next couple of months. As a preview, here are the types of horror movies I prefer, in general:
- 1930s-1940s "classic" horror--Universal Studios dominated these, but also things like Val Lewton's RKO films.
- 1950s-1970 Hammer Studios horror--my absolute favorite! (but I've seen/own almost all of these)
- 1950s-1960s Other British horror (Amicus and other studios)
- 1950s-1960s Other Euro-Horror, except movies that are just about a demented guy going around stabbing women, because I find those unpleasant and boring.
- 1950s-1960s American B movies (especially Roger Corman's Poe pictures with Vincent Price)
Wednesday, August 26
It's Beat!
But why do they think her poem is a comedy routine? It seems pretty heavy to me...
And here's another one!
That's Vampira in another guise--unfortunately it's interspersed with some really boring scenes from the movie (The Beat Generation).
Uncle Fester (Jackie Coogan) is in BOTH clips!
Tuesday, August 25
Pre-Made Bad Signs for Restaurants and Shops
If you're a busy small business owner, you know you need to make up a lot of little signs on 8.5 x 11 paper to alert your customers about what they may or may not do in your establishment. But you also know that it can take up to 3 hours to make an unfriendly, ungrammatical and un-aesthetic notice to scotch-tape to your window or counter.
Well, labor no further--we will make these signs on command--just let us know what kind of sign you need and we'll crank it out for you with the attention to detail you can usually only expect from an irritable retail businessman. Here's an example to whet your appetite:
You're welcome!
Here's one more--this is suggested for vegan/vegetarian cafes:
Well, labor no further--we will make these signs on command--just let us know what kind of sign you need and we'll crank it out for you with the attention to detail you can usually only expect from an irritable retail businessman. Here's an example to whet your appetite:

Here's one more--this is suggested for vegan/vegetarian cafes:

World's worst battle cry
Or maybe it's the universe's worst...it's been stuck in my head for about 28 years.
Know your words,
People It's Bad,
The Future,
The Past,
Today's chuckle
Monday, August 24
Doodle Beast
Deebo's ice packs = Meth lab
As you may know, Deebo the cat enjoys laying on a nice cool ice pack on a hot summer day when it gets above 85 degrees in the apartment. He's one cool little cucumber as long as he has something chilly to lay on.
Now the meth-heads (you know who you are!) are threatening to take that away from him:
An Indiana prosecutor is warning retailers about a new way meth makers are making the drug.
Instant cold packs*, used to treat sprains and other injuries, contain an ingredient that can be used as a substitute for anhydrous ammonia.
This new method is quicker and does not produce the chemical smell found with ammonia-based methods.
The prosecutor out of Gibson County recommends retailers move ice packs behind the counter and monitor their sales.
Great! Now every summer when I want to cool down the kitty, I have to prove to a pharmacist that I'm not a whacked-out hillbilly!
*Once again, I seem to have gotten cornfused about a technical detail--this article actually seems to refer to instant ice packs, not the kind that you conventionally get cold in the freezer. Thanks, Beebo!

An Indiana prosecutor is warning retailers about a new way meth makers are making the drug.
Instant cold packs*, used to treat sprains and other injuries, contain an ingredient that can be used as a substitute for anhydrous ammonia.
This new method is quicker and does not produce the chemical smell found with ammonia-based methods.
The prosecutor out of Gibson County recommends retailers move ice packs behind the counter and monitor their sales.
Great! Now every summer when I want to cool down the kitty, I have to prove to a pharmacist that I'm not a whacked-out hillbilly!
*Once again, I seem to have gotten cornfused about a technical detail--this article actually seems to refer to instant ice packs, not the kind that you conventionally get cold in the freezer. Thanks, Beebo!
Agua Fresca
Whenever I go to my neighborhood Tacos Guaymas, I make sure to order a delicious Agua Fresca as my beverage. My usual choice is Horchata, which is made from rice and cinnamon -- Yum yum!
The last time I went (Saturday), I opted for a tasty and refreshing Hibiscus drink, or Agua de Jamaica. Beebo was with me, and while she ordered her usual Diet Coke, she kept eyeing my drink thirstily and drank about 15% of it. I can't deal with the taste of Diet Coke, so I couldn't return the favor. Next time, I will urge Beebo to order her own Agua Fresca!

Big words for work

I have a project of trying to use more interesting words in my work emails. I get tired of using the same minimal vocabulary over and over again, so I'm going to pepper my correspondence with les mots juste when they occur to me. Why use 'easy' word when the obscure one is more appropriate?
Today's example:
"Once they look it over, it'll be at OSP, and we can upload our final stuff when ready and inveigle A***** into reviewing it."
Note that my writing style is still colloquial ("stuff"), but the word I used really is the correct one for the meaning I was trying to convey.
Last week, I used the word obfuscating.
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