Monday, August 24

Big words for work

I have a project of trying to use more interesting words in my work emails. I get tired of using the same minimal vocabulary over and over again, so I'm going to pepper my correspondence with les mots juste when they occur to me. Why use 'easy' word when the obscure one is more appropriate?

Today's example:
"Once they look it over, it'll be at OSP, and we can upload our final stuff when ready and inveigle A***** into reviewing it."
Note that my writing style is still colloquial ("stuff"), but the word I used really is the correct one for the meaning I was trying to convey.

Last week, I used the word obfuscating.


  1. Oooh, "inveigle"! That's a good one!!

  2. You're like the Bruce McCullough character who had to be reprimanded at work for saying "ascertain" too often.

  3. Heh heh! Thanks for inspiring my new post!

