Friday, August 7

Things I love

One thing I have a deep and uncritical love for is French gangster films from the 50s and 60s. Watching one of these is such a relaxing, pleasing experience for me.

I love the retro-underworld, and have always found robberies and capers fascinating (vicariously--I'd hate being involved in one in real life)--Another one of my favorite cultural artifacts is is the Parker novels by Richard Stark (Donald E. Westlake), about a professional thief (also from the same time period).

The added element of the setting being France (usually Paris) and from the world of 50 years ago means that every visual detail and social behavior is worth paying attention to closely, in addition to the machinations of the plot. They're also reflections of American crime films, which makes one wonder--how much is a mannered fictional concept and how much is what French criminals were like? Of course, the American films weren't documentary representations, either.

I only wish there could be more of them! Fortunately, there's a new box set of Japanese crime films coming out--they're fascinating in their own way...

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