Friday, May 13

Rockin' Out in the Napoleonic Wars

Last night I started watching the first movie in the Sharpe TV series of the 1990s.  It stars Sean (Boromir) Bean as a lower-class soldier in the British Army who gets a field promotion to Lieutenant while the Duke of Wellington is battling with Napoleon's armies in Europe.  It was enjoyable, and I think somewhat historically accurate, but there's one choice the producers made that rankles for me.
10 minutes of my life in Microsoft Paint produced this
 Part of the soundtrack includes a rockin' mainstream 90s electric guitar, which sounds so anachronistic that it almost takes me all the way out of the circa 1809 setting.  I've heard guitar on period films before (I'm thinking of Ennio Morricone's scores for sixties Spaghetti Westerns) and not been bothered by it, but in this case, it really doesn't work for me.

This is social conditioning based on 40+ years of watching movies, where everything is artificial, but there are conventions which are usually obeyed.  And it's not as bad as anachronisms in dialogue, or hair, or clothing, etc.  It's more of an aesthetic choice.  It wouldn't bother me so much if I didn't hate hearing the sound of 80s-90s mainstream music!

Despite that, I liked it (the episode, that is)!

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