Friday, March 23

The Architects of Blah

I can't afford to buy a condo in my neighborhood (or anywhere), but that doesn't stop me from idly, and regularly, checking the Redfin listings in my area zip codes.  I have a few pet buildings where I'd like to live, but since the Seattle market is still in the doldrums, there's not a lot of stuff coming onto the market.  Expanding my circuit a little more, I found this uninspiring place today.

It's dull but serviceable on the outside, but the thing that really kills it for me is this half-hearted attempt to put in a jazzy window.  It's a dumb, pointless octagon, and then it has a dull, dull square mini-blind to cover it.  They should have at least just made it some ersatz stained-glass thing, since it's so pointless as a window.  Or better yet, this window should have been allowed to be its real self--a rectangle.

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