Friday, November 6

Fatuous Model-ocity

I don't want to keep picking on aspirational online clothiers, but I was amused by a male model I saw while perusing the Banana Republic sweater selection. There are a limited number of poses for male models, and they vary depending on the company the model is representing. J. Crew and Banana Republic go for a faux-classic, pseudo-Ivy League look, and the models are instructed to look like casual, relaxed, affluent preppies. It's a sort of "say, let's all drive up to the family cottage and have a clambake, and I'm going to just recklessly throw on these old clothes and not shave" look. So the models go for a sort of bemused, fatuous look, with some variation of looking up/down while laughing, or smirking, or twinkling coyly, like this fellow on the right, who is really going overboard (the picture's a little clearer if you click on the photo):

In fact, he's overdoing it so much that the other models on the page are getting annoyed: Yes, hide your face in shame, fatuous sweater guy!


  1. "twinkling coyly" is right!! :D Wow, he is really going too far.

  2. MAN, that guy is irritating!!! I think he's going for that James-Dean-peeking-out-of-his cowl-neck-sweater look 2nd from the top.

