Tuesday, January 5

Steve Guttenberg

No, not that one. But this guy reviews electronics online.

Steve Guttenberg is a frequent contributor to magazines and Web sites including Home Entertainment, Playback, and Ultimate AV. He is a member of the CNET Blog Network, and is not an employee of CNET.

What an oddly unexciting celebrity name to have to live with! It reminds me of 'Michael Bolton' from Office Space, except that you can't really get infuriated at Steve G. Unless you really hate Short Circuit and the Police Academy movies.


  1. Yeah...I can't imagine anyone having intense feelings about Steve Guttenberg!

    My strongest impression of him NOW is "guy who alienated America by being a little TOO enthusiastic about his involvement with Dancing With the Stars." America always loves the guy who can't dance but is a good sport...until Steve Guttenberg did it wrong, and just came across as a weird fanatic.

