Friday, June 18

Angry Reviews from Prudish Old British People

"Both my wife and I are quite convinced this was one of the poorest choices of dvd videos to watch that we had made. Although we had never watched the series on television we thought we would take the opportunity to find out why it had seemed to have been popular. We were very disappointed. It seemed to be glorifying bad language, sexual immorality, and a 'money can get you anything' attitude. When the story appeared to be building some moral fibre and backbone to its plot, it quickly discarded it at the first opportunity. Although there was a promising sense of purpose at the beginning, it didn't take many episodes to totally lose it leaving the viewer wondering if it was worth watching any more. Sadly, we cannot recommend this series to anyone."

What's got him so upset? This:A British series from the 1970s that was shown on Masterpiece Theatre--the kind of thing your high school English teacher who subscribed to the New Yorker would love.


  1. Who is that skanky ho-bag on the DVD cover?? I certainly would not want my children watching THAT! I bet her ankles are showing!

    Edna P. Turnblatt

  2. To the BBC,

    Please stop showing programmes featuring people acting as if they are better than their station in life. It gives the proletariat unhealthy ideas.

    Col. Oswald Bloater-Hogg (Ret.), age 142

