Wednesday, July 14

Dead Technology

I stumbled across a couple of boxes of these:

at work this morning (I just scanned this one). I had a brief, unconscious sensation of making a great find--in the mid-eighties to mid-nineties, having a 'brick' of high-quality cassettes felt like a real treat to me. However, I sidewalked my dual-cassette deck years ago, and now I don't even burn as many CDs as I used to in the mid-2000s. Most records I bring to work travel via a 4GB memory stick, and music I play at home originates from my PC and gets sent through the air to my stereo.

However, this is not a nostalgia post! I like getting and listening to music now more than ever*, thanks to the ease of downloading interesting old out-of-print vinyl from creative bloggers. I'm not one of those people who's 'killing the music industry' by getting the new [insert name of popular artist here] album for free. I've just bypassed the commercial aspect of obtaining music by getting the kind of music I like (which other people don't) from other people who like it even more than me.

*This is not to say that I don't miss 'record stores' from the time when they were viable, especially in the pre-internet commerce era. I do! But as my tastes got more obscure and stores dwindled and reduced their depth of stock, I stopped getting much out of them.

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