Monday, July 26

Mad Men walk-on contest weirdness

Banana Republic is having a photo contest for a walk-on role on the next season of Mad Men. Contestants submit their photos and then people vote for them online. I was tempted to do this, but I'm too lazy and too shy for it. I was perusing the entries, and they seem to me to be divided into three categories:

Look--she made an effort--not just the outfit, but the whole room. Kudos!
Why bother?
What the hell? An iPhone, a Girl's Basketball t-shirt, a bland, smug expression in the bathroom mirror plus inadvertently giving me the finger do NOT deserve a walk-on! BOO! You suck!
I'm a Freak
I feel queasy looking at this guy's photo, much less posting in on my blog. This picture says "I am a lunatic who wants to be on TV. What show is this for again?"

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