Monday, August 2

Well played, Pete!

A-seasonally, Mad Men has started at Thanksgiving 1964 this year, and last night's episode was set at Christmas. I'm not going into any spoiler-ish stuff here, but just wanted to point out Pete Campbell's snazzy red narrow-lapel double-breasted blazer, which he's sporting at the office Xmas party. Pete normally wears a blue suit to work, but this is the kid of thing a stylish guy of that time period would pull out of the closet to attend a social function or go out on the town.

Now, of course, no one would wear anything like that in public. I actually have one like this in gold, with big, shiny flat gold buttons and a colorfully patterned lining. But even for me, it's hard to pull this one out for everyday wear!


  1. Hey, did you notice Don told his secretary to get Sally some Beatles 45s?!?

  2. Yup! I felt very self-congratulatory about that, though I'm still waiting for her to show some personal enthusiasm for them...

